January 16, 2023

Ways to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent activist during the Civil Rights Movement, practicing nonviolent forms of protest. Recognized as a hero by many, the third Monday of every January is recognized as a federal holiday—Martin Luther King (MLK) Day. This year, MLK Day falls on January 16, 2023. There are various ways you can celebrate this holiday to carry on the legacy of Dr. King. Check out these ideas for the upcoming day!

Use your day off to give back.

Although you may have the day off of work, you can use it as a day to give back. Find local volunteer opportunities in your community. Dedicate a portion of your day off to making the world a better place in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You could organize a local community trash pickup, or volunteer at one of your favorite organizations.

Listen to the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

Use this federal holiday to listen to Dr. King’s famous speeches or read his quotes. Some of his famous quotes that still care great meaning today include:

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

“Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.”

“The time is always right to do what is right."

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’”

Find a new cause you love.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for a cause he strongly believed in. Use this day to pick a cause that you’re passionate about and would like to be an advocate for. Consider your passions. Consider injustices in the world. Consider needs in the community for organizations that may not even exist!

Educate yourself.

Use the day to educate yourself on the work that still needs to be done for equal rights. Even though the Civil Rights Movement was in the 1950s and 1960s, we still have work to do in order to celebrate equal rights to all. Use this day to read up on organizations that exist today to promote equal rights and the work that there is to still be done.

Go to an event.

There are parades, marches and celebrations held around the country every year on MLK day. Use this as an opportunity to show up in your community. If a celebration doesn’t exist in your community, use this time to create an event that can become an annual tradition.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. helped make the world a better place and advocated for equal rights for everyone. Use MLK Day as a time to honor his legacy by giving back or doing something good for somebody else. Even though MLK Day is one day of the year, you can continue these sentiments all year long!

We Are Here to Answer Your Questions

What does your organization do?

EmpathyHQ provides counseling to individuals, groups, and families and empowers communities to live authentically and thrive. We break down barriers to accessing care, offering comprehensive and accessible mental health support on your journey to health and self-discovery. We are here to pave the way to a better you—and a better community.

With over 12,000 individuals benefiting from 100,000 hours of evidence-based mental health care and case management in the past four years alone, EmpathyHQ is making a tangible difference in the lives of Texans.

For a list of specific programs and services we provide, visit our Get Support section.

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How can I get involved?

We welcome individuals who are passionate about mental health support and increasing access to resources. If you care about these issues, we'd love to have you join us. We support remote and in-person volunteer opportunities.

Visit our Get Involved section to find out ways to learn more, donate, or volunteer.

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If I were to donate funds, how is my money used?

We take our responsibility to our community and donors seriously, striving to ensure EmpathyHQ's long-term sustainability. Our funds are used to provide mental health services for clients in need.

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What is your organization's privacy policy?

Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and protects the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our clients, volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations—public, private or nonprofit. For more detailed information visit our Privacy Policy page.

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Do I have to have custody agreement or court order for my child to receive services?

YES. If your child does not live with both biological parents and there is any court order or custody agreement in place, it must be on file. In order for a counselor to see your child, they must have obtained and reviewed the MOST RECENT custody agreement or court order, and any applicable part of a divorce decree that mentions custody. When federal or state statutes provide an exemption to secure consent of a parent or guardian prior to providing services to a minor, the counselor must follow the protocol set forth in such federal or state statutes. If documentation is not provided, your child cannot be seen by a counselor.

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